
RedRoseTech as a tool

ONESolution : the platform which enables scalable and transparent humanitarian assistance

RedRose’s ONEsolution is a data management and payments/distribution platform that offers humanitarian actors the opportunity to manage every step of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and in-kind programming. The system can operate both online and offline. The IT platform helps coordinate operations throughout the project cycle, from beneficiary registration to the delivery of assistance, reconciliation, and reporting.

Laura Kientzler

Supporting social change through street arts and sports

GAME’s mission is to create lasting social change through youth-led street sports and culture. GAME offers youth an education as volunteer GAME Playmakers which are street sports instructors and role models. The youth volunteers learn how to lead weekly practices in street sports and street culture for children and youth in their local communities. Empowerment, life skills, teamwork, active civil society and gender equity and diversity are key components of GAME’s programs.

Tech as a toolWorking together

How to reconnect family members separated by humanitarian crises

The Trace the Face website is the result of an initiative led by a number of European National Societies, developed with the technical support of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Geneva. It aims to help people in migration situations to re-establish contact with their relatives from whom they have been separated as a result of conflict, natural disaster, international migration or humanitarian crisis. Trace The Face is a virtual photo gallery of people searching for one or more family members

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