
Netherlands Red CrossWorking together

Social Media Listening: A Game Changer for Community Engagement

With the Social Media Listening tool (SML), it is possible to scan posts and messages on social media and instant messaging applications (such as Telegram or X). The messages are scraped, translated, coded and analyzed to provide a qualitative and quantitative summary of the most discussed topics by people affected. These insights provide an unbiased understanding of their needs, fears, feedback, sentiments, and experience.

RedRoseTech as a tool

ONESolution : the platform which enables scalable and transparent humanitarian assistance

RedRose’s ONEsolution is a data management and payments/distribution platform that offers humanitarian actors the opportunity to manage every step of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and in-kind programming. The system can operate both online and offline. The IT platform helps coordinate operations throughout the project cycle, from beneficiary registration to the delivery of assistance, reconciliation, and reporting.

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